Author Guidelines

All inquiries and correspondences are addressed to the Editor-in-Chief. Moreover, authors are required to present manuscripts as electronic files, as with such files, formatting requirements are as follows: a) Use Microsoft Word 2007, single-spaced, 12 pt Times New Roman, maximum of 15 pages.

  1. Proper to use Bahasa Indonesia and english c) Indent or spacing between all paragraphs, d) Use the metric system throughout, and e) Avoid text footnotes, as it must be integrated into the The manuscript needs to be structured in such a way that every new sections begin on new pages.







It needs to be brief and not more than 14 words. Title should be informative and indicating the substantial point(s) of the paper.




This needs to be complete but without any title and accompanied by the author and alliances address. Furthermore, any corresponding author needs to give and use an e-mail address exceptional to themselves and not one that is imparted with another enrolled author or department.




A compact and tangible abstract that briefly express the objective of the exploration, the staple results, and significant conclusions is needed. In addition, since an abstract is regularly introduced independently from the article, it should be able remain solitary. For this reason, References should not be included, but when necessary, the author(s) and year(s) need(s) to be cited. Furthermore, non-standard or unusual abbreviations should not be expressed, but when essential they should be defined at their first mention in the abstract itself. Finally, the abstract are not allowed to exceed 300 words, has to be written in 1 paragraph, and in two languages, Bahasa Indonesia and English.




Keywords are required to be provided below the abstract to aid the search command (3-5 words).




The Introduction section needs to explain:


  • The research background
  • The objective of the study
  • A summary of the existing literature
  • The reasons regarding the importance of the study










The methods section need to include:

  • The objective, design and setting of the study
  • The characteristics of participants or description of materials
  • A vivid description of all conducted processes and methodologies, which involves using generic Besides, when proprietary brands are used in study, the brand names are required to be included in parentheses.
  • The type of statistical analysis employed, including a power calculation when appropriate
  • Studies that involves human participants, or data or tissue from animals need to provide statement on ethics consent and





The results and discussion needs to include the discovery of the study including the statistical analysis result, which needs to be incorporated either in text or as tables and figures when appropriate and consistent. Furthermore, this section needs to discuss the effect of the discovery in the context of existing research and also highlight the limitations of the study.




Conclusion of the article is required to clearly write the main conclusions and give a clarification of its  importance and relevance of the study to the related field. Write the conclusions in a paragraph.




Ensure to acknowledge anyone who contributed towards the article and does not meet the criteria for authorship, including all who give proficient composing administrations or materials. Nevertheless, the authors need to obtain permission to recognize all those mentioned in the Acknowledgements section.




Citation in text


Please confirm that every reference cited in the text is also provided exactly in the reference list (and vice versa). Moreover, unpublished results and personal communications are not recommended. Citation of a reference as 'in press' indicates that it has been accepted for publication.


Web references


The minimum requirement is to provide the full URL and last accessed date by the author. Provide any further information when known (DOI, author names, dates, reference to a source publication, etc.). In addition, the reference list may include web-references.


Example: AOAC. (2005). Guidelines for single laboratory validation of chemical methods for dietary supplements and botanicals. AOAC International, page 1–38.











Please submit tables as not as images but as editable texts. Furthermore, every table needs to have a title and all columns headings. Column headings must be arranged in such a way that its connection to the data is clear and refers to the column below. In addition, footnotes need to be indicated by superscript, and lowercase letters, while each table, cited in the text. Tables have to be placed next to the relevant text in the article and they should be numbered consecutively by their appearance in the text. Besides, all table notes placed below the table body, sparing needs to be carried out in their use, and it should ensure that the data provided in them do not replicate the results described elsewhere in the article.



Images should be submitted within the manuscript and in separated files. Figures should be in high resolution and well contrast in JPEG or PDF with the resolution minimum 400 dpi (dot per inch). Please click “Other” to upload images then continue to “Review Details” to fill the description of the images. Author can submit up to ten images; journal editors will make a selection of up to six from these and author should indicate if any are of particular importance

  • Author should provide full captions with your images, including any courtesy lines, using the format: artist’s name, title of work, date, media, dimensions, collection (or place of exhibition), photo credit, i.e: “ Ratu Adil, Sabda Alam, 2005, oil on canvas, 1500 x 300 cm, collection of  the artist, photo: Pike Tangas”
  • Frame captures, also called film stills, are generally considered to fall in the realm of fair use for scholarly publishing. Essentially, a frame capture represents 1/24th of one second of a film, which hardly represents the whole heart of the work, and cannot be said to infringe upon the market for the film. Film stills should not be confused with Production or Publicity Stills, which are photographs taken on a film’s set, and which may be subject to copyright protection
  • If the images come from the third party, author must supply written permission to reproduce images from the copyright holder – this can take the form of an email. Exceptions includes book and magazine covers and film posters. Please also supply the name and address of the copyright holder so that they can be sent a complimentary copy of the issue in which their image appears