Perilaku merokok pada remaja memang masalah yang semakin mengkhawatirkan di kalangan
masyarakat. Usia SMP berkisar 12-18 tahun adalah periode penemuan diri dan kepekaan rasa sosial. Pada
masa ini kepribadian harus dikembangkan sepenuhnya dan harus sadar akan keharusan. Setelah dilakukan
penyuluhan diharapkan siswa-siswi dapat mengetahui akan bahaya merokok dan bisa menerapkannya
dikehidupan sehari hari. Pada kegiatan ini dilakukan penyuluhan secara langsung di salah satu kelas yaitu
kelas VIII 3. Pelaksanaan dari intervensi yang dilakukan adalah dengan metode ceramah yang
dilaksanakan pada hari senin tanggal 03 juni 2024. Susunan acara dimulai dari pembukaan, penyampaian
materi, diskusi tanya jawab, dan penutupan serta foto bersama. Evaluasi dilakukan setelah siswa siswi
menyimak materi yang telah diberikan. Dengan responden 24 orang dari kelas VIII3, dari semua
responden ini terdapat 8 orang (33,3 %) paham akan bahaya merokok dan 16 orang (66,6 %) tidak paham
akan bahaya merokok. Hasil kegiatan yang dilakukan, pengetahuan siswa-siswi tentang bahaya merokok
sudah ada peningkatan tentang pengetahuan sebanyak 86,4 % tentang bahaya merokok. Berdasarkan hasil
penyuluhan sisa-siswi di kelas VIII3 SMP N 2 Angkola Selatan maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa rendahnya
presentase tidak paham karena kurangnya kesadaran siswa-siswi akan bahaya nerokok bagi kesehatan,
lingkungan yang terbiasa dengan rokok. Program yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan siswasiswi dengan tujuan untuk menekankan angka perokok adalah dnegan memberikan penyuluhan.
Kata kunci : bahaya merokok, penyuluhan, siswa smp
Smoking behavior among teenagers is an increasingly worrying problem among society. Middle school
age, around 12-18 years, is a period of self-discovery and social sensitivity. At this time the personality
must be fully developed and must be aware of necessity. After providing counseling, it is hoped that
students will be able to understand the dangers of smoking and be able to apply it in their daily lives. In
this activity, direct counseling was carried out in one of the classes, namely class VIII 3. The intervention
was carried out using the lecture method which was carried out on Monday 03 June 2024. The schedule
of the event started from the opening, delivery of material, question and answer discussion, and closing.
as well as group photos. Evaluation is carried out after the students have listened to the material that has
been given. With 24 respondents from class VIII3, of all these respondents, 8 people (33.3%) understood
the dangers of smoking and 16 people (66.6%) did not understand the dangers of smoking. As a result of
the activities carried out, students' knowledge about the dangers of smoking has increased by 86.4%
regarding the dangers of smoking. Based on the results of counseling for the remaining students in class
VIII3 of SMP N 2 South Angkola, it can be concluded that the low percentage of not understanding is due
to the students' lack of awareness of the dangers of smoking for health, and an environment that is used
to smoking. The program carried out to increase students' knowledge with the aim of emphasizing the
number of smokers is by providing counseling.
Key words: dangers of smoking, counseling, junior high school students
How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2024 Riani Finola Sari, Widya Sari , Riska Charlina, Siti Nur Aisyah, Zahra Ananda Putri, Rizka Novia, Ronda Rohana, Ronda Harana, Elmi Sariani Hasibuan
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Aufa (JPMA) © 2019 by Universitas Aufa Royhan is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgment of the work’s authorship and initial publication in this journal.